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Length: 10:14 min



Length: 4:18 min



Length: 3:53 min



Length: 4:48 min



Length: 2:11 min



Length: 3:13 min



Length: 4:40 min



Length: 3:58 min



Length: 5:42 min


Here is a selection of films about TARGET we have put together for you.

The films are protected by copyright. They cannot be used in any way without TARGET’s express authorisation.

Appeal to the World*


A renewed appeal from Sheikh Prof. Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi to end FGM (female genital mutilation) immediately was made in Doha, Qatar on 5th September 2012.

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What is the GOLDEN BOOK? TARGET developed this elaborate work basing its contents on the Cairo Conference (2006). It contains key statements from the most important participants. There are religious and medical arguments against female genital mutilation. TARGET has already distributed the GOLDEN BOOK to many prayer leaders in mosques in Mauritania and Ethiopia. It is printed in Germany.

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TARGET’s conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia**

15 & 16 April 2009

TARGET’s “International Scholars Conference, Horn of Africa” with 120 participants from 6 African countries. After lengthy discussions the Muslim representatives made commitments to abolish female genital mutilation in their respective countries and to distribute the GOLDEN BOOK. Presentation of the GOLDEN BOOK during the conference and at Friday prayers in the Sheikh Shogolle mosque.


Welcome and Fatwa: Sheikh Prof.Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, Doha, Qatar**


The Islamic legal scholar from Doha (Qatar) Sheikh Prof.Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, who is held in the highest esteem by Muslims, gave the welcoming speech at TARGET’s “International Scholars Conference” in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) and spoke out against female genital mutilation. His central tenet is: the custom is not in keeping with the times and must be abolished immediately. Arabic original.

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Sheikh Prof.Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi’s fatwa
Doha, Qatar*

2 March 2009

TARGET’s founder, Rüdiger Nehberg, and the Austrian imam, Tarafa Baghajati, were invited to Doha (Qatar) to meet Sheikh Prof.Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi on 2 March 2009. They discussed female genital mutilation with the eminent Islamic legal scholar. Qaradawi described the practice as “the devil’s work” and drafted a fatwa. The original fatwa can be found
here .


TV interview with Prof Dr Ali Gom’a,
Grand Mufti of Egypt*

3 July 2007

Egypt’s’ Grand Mufti, Professor Dr Ali Gom’a, talks to journalists from Memri TV (an Arabic broadcaster in the US) about female genital mutilation. The prominent scholar condemns the practice as a sin that is not compatible with the highest values of Islam. He refers to the fatwa that was issued by the Islamic scholars in 2006 during TARGET’s conference at Azhar University in Cairo.

Link play

TARGET’s Cairo conference, Cairo, Egypt*

22 & 23 November 2006

TARGET’s “International Conference of Islamic Scholars” was held on 22 and 23 November 2006 at the Azhar University in Cairo. Conference patron was Prof Dr Ali Gom’a, Egypt’s Grand Mufti. The participants outlawed female genital mutilation in a historic fatwa saying it is incompatible with the highest values of Islam. Grand Sheikh, Dr Mohamed Sayed Tantawi assisted in the preparations.


TARGET and the Afar people, Ethiopia*

The Afar people have been working closely with TARGET since 2002. Rüdiger Nehberg has enjoyed a special relationship with the people of the Danakil desert since 1977 when tribesmen twice saved his life. TARGET held its first “Desert conference” in the Afar region and in 2002 the Afar people were the first to ban female genital mutilation leading to a change in tribal law in 2007. Nowadays violations are severely punished. Annette and Rüdiger Nehberg have been honorary citizens of the Afar since 2006.

Link play

TARGET’s operations in Mauritania*

2005 – 2008

Annette and Rüdiger Nehberg set off in 2005 on the “Caravan of Hope” travelling from oasis to oasis and, in the spirit of Mauritania’s Grand Mufti, Hamden Ould Tah, announcing the following: “Islam says NO to female genital mutilation. It is a sin”. In 2008 TARGET’s GOLDEN BOOK was brought here. Al Jazeera reported on the event. President Ely Ould Mohamed Vall welcomed the Germans. TARGET was also active in Chinguetti.


*   English subtitles
** Arabic without subtitles. Translation follows.